Monthly Archives: Oktober 2012

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Lager Update, to show you what I’ve bee up to lately (this is just the best of, since I don’t want to bore you people :D)

Mood painting*
Early orc concept
Later orc version, with some clothes

Final design, with some colortesting


*Stonetexture in the concept was originally created  by Alex Zeller

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Yeah updatetime:

 Encounters from the Cafe today,.. these orc are really getting a problem.

Some „Fanart“ (I better don’t say who that’s supposed to be :D)

…and some WIP I maybe never finish, still a valuable lesson 🙂

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Buisy two weeks, finaly some time for the blog 😀

Recent sketches from the cafe:

…some from the Zoo:

and a character I am working on (version 1 / 2)